Contact Us

At Boss Retail, our goal is to: “Help clients achieve success through targeted, strategic communications.” We’ll help you determine what success means to you and help you develop and implement a plan to achieve it. We create custom bids based on client needs, but see the table below to get an idea of our general rates:

Articles/blog posts$.75-1.50/wd.
White papers  $1.00-2.00/wd.
Website content$200-350/page
Social media management$700-5000/month/profile
Corporate/custom projectsCustom bid

Per word rates are based on the complexity of the topic and the amount of independent research (e.g., finding and interviewing sources) required. (Rates include up to two rounds of edits; additional edits are billed at a per hour rate of $125.)

We also provide general marketing consultation services including PR/media relations training and support, marketing plan development and implementation, and more. We invite you to sign up for our monthly e-letter (free) for news, updates, and tips on traditional and digital marketing. 

When you’re successful, we’re successful. We’d like to help you with your communication challenges. Give us a call or drop us an email so we can learn about your needs and develop a plan and proposal for helping you meet those needs.